1. These General Terms and Conditions for Providing Translation Services regulate the terms for implementing translation services by Nova Translate Ltd., UIC 204842656, seat and registered office: Sofia 15 Sveta Troitsa Residential Area, entr. 2, fl. 4, apt. 10, with the right to translate, legalize, certify translations, concluded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided to the users of the offered by the Contractor services. 
  2. These General Terms and Conditions settle the rights and obligations of the parties in providing the Service assigned to the Contractor by the Assignor. These General Terms and Conditions are integral to the contract for providing translation services (if the parties have concluded such). In the event of discrepancies between the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions and a particular Contract, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail.


Assignor: Individual or a legal entity that assigns the performance of the Services offered and provided by the Contractor.

Contract: Contract for providing Services concluded by the Assignor and Contractor.

Assignor: Nova Translate EOOD, UIC 204842656, seat and registered address: Cherni vrah 32, office Nova Translate, with the right to translate, legalize, certify translations, concluded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

General Terms and Conditions or GTC: these General Terms and Conditions for providing Services.

Services: The services offered and provided by the Contract for its service described in detail in Section IV.


Company: Nova Translate Ltd.

Registration in the Trade Register at the Registry Agency: UIC 204842656

Seat and registered address: Cherni vrah 32, office Nova Translate 

  1. The Services offered and provided by the Contractor are as follows:some text
    1. Written translation of documents and other texts from Bulgarian to foreign language and from foreign language to Bulgarian;
    2. Translation and legalization of official documents;
    3. Editing, proofreading, post-editing of already translated documents;
    4. Interpretation (consecutive, simultaneous);
    5. Localization;
    6. DTP services and other word processing services;
    7. Others:
  • Web Translations—translation and localization of web sites and other web content;   
  • Specialized technical translations in various source text formats via software tools or the so-called CAT tools (SDLX, SDL Trados, SDL Passolo, TagEditor, Star Transit, Déjà vu, Catalyst, etc.), which provide full compliance of the target text with the source text in terms of layout; 
  • Translation and localization of IT texts, software applications, computer programs, reference files, manuals and user guides.
  1. Written translation

The Service includes translation by a certified translator and review for factual errors to and from foreign language (other than Bulgarian) as well as formatting of the target text in reference to the source text.

The Assignor shall:

  • Provide the precise way of transcribing names, addresses, cities, intellectual products, names of commercial companies, etc., the exact transliteration of which might be unclear. These need to be provided along with the service request. If the above are not provided, the Contractor shall transliterate them as per the Transliteration Act or other generally accepted norms.
  • to provide the meaning of any abbreviations in the source text if requested by the Contractor. If the Assignor fails to fulfil the above obligation, the Contractor shall translate the abbreviations at its discretion. 
  • To provide information for handwritten or illegible text contained in the source files/documents and to provide this information to the Contractor. If the Assignor fails to fulfil the above obligation, the linguist shall insert text meaning “illegible” or “illegible text”.

The written translations are charged per page as per the current price list of the Contractor as 1,800 characters (30 characters a line, 60 lines), including spaces, is considered a standard as per the Bulgarian Standardization Institute. The number of pages is calculated based on the translated text. The minimal chargeable volume is 0.5 (half) standard page.  

  1. Legalization

The Assignor shall be informed of the necessary requisites needed for legalization, as well as other specific requirements, depending on the type of documents.

If assigned by the Assignor, the Contractor can perform the Legalization service as per its current price list and in the deadlines provided by the respective institutions. The Contractor shall not be held liable for a delay unless the delay is at its default.

The Contractor shall not be held liable if the responsible institution refuses to legalize the document. If the institution refuses legalization, and the reason for the refusal is not at default of the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to keep the amount required to cover the expenses.

  1. Interpretation

The Assignor shall:

  • provide the fullest possible information in terms of duration of the arrangements and the location where the interpretation is to be provided, the source and target languages and the are of terminology expected to be used;
  • To provide references and terminology.

The charge for the service is calculated based on the duration of the engagement of the interpreter regardless the interpreter performs interpretation the whole time — i.e. the factual duration of the engagement is used as based for the calculation.

  1. Localization

This Service means adaptation of the translated material to the language, culture, the technical and other peculiarities of the target region, and is usually requested when translating software, marketing and advertising materials, news releases.

Localization differs from translation and the prices and deadlines for localization shall be agreed upon additionally.

  1. Word processing, desktop publishing, etc.:

All of these Services can be requested separately.

Their price is not included in the translation price and it shall be additionally agreed upon.


Request and confirmation

  1. The Assignor shall email a request to the Contractor, containing:some text
    1. Assignor data — names, telephone number, email (if the Assignor wants to receive the correspondence at another email)
    2. Type of the requested service(s);
    3. Language pair(s), if any ;
    4. Any required materials (for translation/interpretation, legalization, localization, etc.). The materials (all or part of them) can be additionally sent via email, mail or courier;
    5. The required (or approximate) deadline for the performance of the task;
    6. Format of the target file;
    7. Special instruction, if any. 
  2. The Contractor undertakes to respond in writing to the Employer within 1 (one) hour after receiving the request (on working hours, on weekdays) by sending the confirmation or refusal of the request to the Employer's email.
  3. The acceptance of the application by the Contractor shall be by means of a written confirmation containing all the parameters of the requested Service (order number, date of assignment, Contractor's contacts, type of Service, term of execution, output / supplied file format, etc.), unit price, total amount, way of delivery of the performed translation, special instructions, etc.), in short "Offer".
  4. The Contracting Authority may accept the Offer within one day (unless otherwise specified in the Tender) from the date of its submission by electronic mail, by sending an email to the e-mail specified in the tender. The letter must contain an unconditional and unambiguous acceptance of the offer and the name of the person who accepted the offer
  5. If the Offer is not explicitly accepted by the Contracting Authority within the specified time limit, it is not binding on the Contractor.
  6. Once the application has been accepted, the Contractor undertakes to perform the requested Service in accordance with the parameters and conditions specified in the Tender and in accordance with the provisions of the T & C. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of the GTC and the Tender, the provisions of the Tender shall apply.

Refusal to execute an order

  1. In the event that, after accepting the Offer, the Contracting Authority shall refuse in writing the Service, the execution of which has already begun, the Contracting Authority undertakes to pay the Contractor the work done until the time of the refusal, and the Contractor undertakes to provide the Contracting Authority with the work performed until the time of the refusal.

Quality of service 

  1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Service assigned to him, observing all the parameters specified in the Offer and following the established practices for the quality performance of the Service.
  2. Unless stated otherwise in the confirmation, the Contractor undertakes to observe and fully comply with the source text in the execution of the Service, to format the target text, in the form of the source, to describe in the target text all graphics, tables, stamps, signatures, etc. . attributes contained in the source text.

Term of execution and transmission

  1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Service within the time limit specified in the Tender.
  2. The time limit for execution starts running from the moment the Offer is accepted by the Contracting Authority.
  3. In the event that the Contracting Authority has sent the materials necessary for the execution of the Service after sending the Tender, the moment of receipt of the materials by the Contractor shall be the beginning of the term.
  4. In the event of delay by the Contractor and inability to submit in time, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of the necessary additional time for the execution of the Service before the deadline for submission.
  5. Transmission of the result of the performed Service to the Contracting Authority shall be effected in one of the following ways specified in the Tender or further agreed between the parties:
  • by handing in person to the Employer (or to a person specified by him / her) at the Contractor's office;
  • by posting by courier to the Employer (or a person designated by him / her) at an address specified by the Contracting Authority. The cost of courier services is at the expense of the Employer;
  • by emailing as far as possible in view of the specifics of the Service.
  1. Any additional certified copy of the translated document (s) shall be additionally paid.

  1. The price of the Service is determined in the Offer according to the price list of the Contractor.
  2. The Service Provided may be paid in the following ways:
  • via bank;
  • in cash, at the Contractor's office;
  • with credit or debit card PayPal, Moneybookers;
  • with cash on delivery of courier services.
  1. As long as the payment deadline is not expressly provided for in the Tender and the parties have not subsequently agreed in writing a specific term, the Contracting Authority shall pay the price of the Service specified in the Tender within 10 (ten) days after the date of transmission. When the transmission is made in accordance with the provisions of item 22, second indent of these GTC, the price for the Service shall be paid upon receipt of the shipment by the courier.

  1. The Contracting Authority has the right to make a claim on the Service within 7 (seven) days from the date of transmission under the provisions of item 22. If the Contracting Authority does not make a claim until the expiration of this period, the Service is deemed to have been accepted without objection.
  2. In a claim, the Contracting Authority undertakes to indicate the exact locations throughout the text with which it disagrees, and to state the reasons for this. In this case, the Contractor shall correct the texts for which the claim was made at his own expense.
  3. Failure to indicate the exact location of the claim relieves the Contractor of the obligation to correct the translated text.
  4. Removal of complaints takes place within a reasonable time agreed between the parties - between 1 (one) and 3 (three) business days, depending on the volume of the material and the translation. Removal of claims is entirely at the expense of the Contractor.

  1. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Contracting Authority accepts and agrees that access to the materials received for translation, or any personal data contained therein (as far as they exist), have employees of the Contractor as well as persons who will perform the Service (or part of it) on explicit assignment by the Contractor (commonly referred to as "linguists").
  2. The Contractor undertakes to require its linguists and employees to observe strict confidentiality with regard to the content of all data, documents and other information that has become known to them during and in connection with the performance of the Service.
  3. The Contractor undertakes not to use the confidential information provided to him by the Contracting Authority for personal benefits and not to provide it to third parties (outside the employees and linguists for the purpose of performing the Service) without the express written consent of the Contracting Authority.
  4. The Contractor undertakes to keep the trade secrets of the Contracting Authority and not to disclose data, facts, information and circumstances about the latter, which have become known to him in connection with and in connection with the performance of the Service.
  5. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, any information about the Contracting Authority relating to Contracts, Organizations, Suppliers, Customers, Activities, Procedures and Know-how of the Employer, as well as any documents to which the Contractor had access at and in connection with the execution of the Service.

  1. Any intellectual property rights in the provided translation materials remain property of the Assignor (or of third parties if they are not property of the Assignor). The Assignor provides the Contractor with the right to store, process and use the materials in order for the Contractor to be able to provide the Services.
  2. Any intellectual property rights on the translations occur for the Contractor unless the Parties agree upon otherwise in writing.

  1. The CONTRACTOR undertakes:some text
    1. at the written request of the Contracting Authority to provide the same information on the current performance of the Service.
    2. to keep all materials and translations provided by the Assignor for a period of 3 years. The Assignor shall have the right to request the subsequent delivery of these documents from the Contractor's archive within the term specified in the preceding sentence.
  2. The CONTRACTOR shall have the right:some text
    1. to receive all necessary materials in connection with the execution of the Service, as well as clarifications concerning specific and specific requirements by the Contracting Authority.
    2. refuse to execute a Service if the Assignor has not paid for the previous Service performed.
    3. unilaterally change the execution time of the Service if the materials required to perform the Service are not provided by the Contracting Authority.
    4. not to initiate or stop the execution of the Service if the Employer has provided inaccurate or insufficient information about the performance of the Service, which is why it has become impossible.
    5. to retain the translated translation, as well as the originals of the documents, until payment of the agreed price of the Service.
  3. The Contractor is not responsible for:some text
    1. the existence of lost, damaged, destroyed translations, texts and / or documents related to and / or resulting from the occurrence of force majeure such as earthquake, storm, war, catastrophe, embargo, acts of state and administrative bodies, strikes and other .
    2. damage caused by the occurrence of force majeure which it could not have foreseen or prevented.
    3. sending the materials for translation to a misplaced postal or electronic address specified by the Contracting Authority without the fault of the Contractor having led to this.
    4.  for delays or damages caused by problems in the work of telecom companies or Internet service providers.

  1. The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY has the right:some text
    1. to retrieve all materials and results of the Service provided to the Contractor in connection with the execution of the Service.
    2. to request information from the Contractor at any time during the performance of the Service.
    3. to withdraw from the Service by notifying the Contractor in writing. In this case, the Contracting Authority undertakes to pay to the Contractor the work performed at the time of the renunciation.
    4. within 7 (seven) days of transmission, in accordance with paragraph 22 above, make a written claim in the manner and manner described in Section VII of these General Terms and Conditions.
  2. The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY undertakes:some text
    1. to provide the Contractor with all necessary materials related to the performance of the Service.
    2. to provide the Contractor with the necessary consultations and clarifications regarding the implementation of the Service.
    3. to pay the Service on time. The Contracting Authority owes the Contractor payment of the agreed price for the performance of the Service and in case the Contracting Authority refuses to receive the result of the Service.
    4. to submit in writing all specific performance requirements for the Service, at the latest at the time of confirmation of the Offer.
  3. The Assignor is liable for damages incurred by the Contractor as a result of his incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect or fraudulent information as well as as a result of non-compliance with the provisions of the Agreement.

  1. In the event that the Contracting Authority fails to pay the price of the Service within the time limit specified in item 26 of these General Terms and Conditions, it owes the Contractor a penalty of 1 (one) per cent on the amount due for the execution of the Service for any delayed day but no more of 20 (twenty)% of the amount due.
  2. If there is a further discrepancy between the original text and the translation, translation errors, the presence of grammatical, stylistic, spelling or punctuation errors, incorrect formatting, etc., following a claim by the Contractor, which the Contractor has removed from the order provided in Section VII of the GC, ., The Contractor shall owe to the Contracting Authority a penalty of up to 20% of the amount due for the Service depending on the volume of discrepancies, omissions and / or errors made.

  1. The disputes between the parties shall be solved by mutual consent via negotiations. In the event the Parties fail to reach consent, the dispute shall be referred to the competent court in the Republic of Bulgaria.
  2. For unsettled matters in these General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the legislation in force of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be applied.
  3. If any provision in these Terms of Service is declared void or unenforceable in whole or in part, this provision will not apply and will not affect the validity, or the enforceability, of the other provisions in the Terms of Service.
  4. Upon the conclusion of an international agreement between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor, the applicable law shall be the Bulgarian law.


  1. These General Terms and Conditions for Providing Translation Services regulate the terms for implementing translation services by Nova Translate Ltd., UIC 204842656, seat and registered office: Sofia 15 Sveta Troitsa Residential Area, entr. 2, fl. 4, apt. 10, with the right to translate, legalize, certify translations, concluded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided to the users of the offered by the Contractor services. 
  2. These General Terms and Conditions settle the rights and obligations of the parties in providing the Service assigned to the Contractor by the Assignor. These General Terms and Conditions are integral to the contract for providing translation services (if the parties have concluded such). In the event of discrepancies between the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions and a particular Contract, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail.


Assignor: Individual or a legal entity that assigns the performance of the Services offered and provided by the Contractor.

Contract: Contract for providing Services concluded by the Assignor and Contractor.

Assignor: Nova Translate EOOD, UIC 204842656, seat and registered address: Cherni vrah 32, office Nova Translate, with the right to translate, legalize, certify translations, concluded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

General Terms and Conditions or GTC: these General Terms and Conditions for providing Services.

Services: The services offered and provided by the Contract for its service described in detail in Section IV.


Company: Nova Translate Ltd.

Registration in the Trade Register at the Registry Agency: UIC 204842656

Seat and registered address: Cherni vrah 32, office Nova Translate 

  1. The Services offered and provided by the Contractor are as follows:some text
    1. Written translation of documents and other texts from Bulgarian to foreign language and from foreign language to Bulgarian;
    2. Translation and legalization of official documents;
    3. Editing, proofreading, post-editing of already translated documents;
    4. Interpretation (consecutive, simultaneous);
    5. Localization;
    6. DTP services and other word processing services;
    7. Others:
  • Web Translations—translation and localization of web sites and other web content;   
  • Specialized technical translations in various source text formats via software tools or the so-called CAT tools (SDLX, SDL Trados, SDL Passolo, TagEditor, Star Transit, Déjà vu, Catalyst, etc.), which provide full compliance of the target text with the source text in terms of layout; 
  • Translation and localization of IT texts, software applications, computer programs, reference files, manuals and user guides.
  1. Written translation

The Service includes translation by a certified translator and review for factual errors to and from foreign language (other than Bulgarian) as well as formatting of the target text in reference to the source text.

The Assignor shall:

  • Provide the precise way of transcribing names, addresses, cities, intellectual products, names of commercial companies, etc., the exact transliteration of which might be unclear. These need to be provided along with the service request. If the above are not provided, the Contractor shall transliterate them as per the Transliteration Act or other generally accepted norms.
  • to provide the meaning of any abbreviations in the source text if requested by the Contractor. If the Assignor fails to fulfil the above obligation, the Contractor shall translate the abbreviations at its discretion. 
  • To provide information for handwritten or illegible text contained in the source files/documents and to provide this information to the Contractor. If the Assignor fails to fulfil the above obligation, the linguist shall insert text meaning “illegible” or “illegible text”.

The written translations are charged per page as per the current price list of the Contractor as 1,800 characters (30 characters a line, 60 lines), including spaces, is considered a standard as per the Bulgarian Standardization Institute. The number of pages is calculated based on the translated text. The minimal chargeable volume is 0.5 (half) standard page.  

  1. Legalization

The Assignor shall be informed of the necessary requisites needed for legalization, as well as other specific requirements, depending on the type of documents.

If assigned by the Assignor, the Contractor can perform the Legalization service as per its current price list and in the deadlines provided by the respective institutions. The Contractor shall not be held liable for a delay unless the delay is at its default.

The Contractor shall not be held liable if the responsible institution refuses to legalize the document. If the institution refuses legalization, and the reason for the refusal is not at default of the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to keep the amount required to cover the expenses.

  1. Interpretation

The Assignor shall:

  • provide the fullest possible information in terms of duration of the arrangements and the location where the interpretation is to be provided, the source and target languages and the are of terminology expected to be used;
  • To provide references and terminology.

The charge for the service is calculated based on the duration of the engagement of the interpreter regardless the interpreter performs interpretation the whole time — i.e. the factual duration of the engagement is used as based for the calculation.

  1. Localization

This Service means adaptation of the translated material to the language, culture, the technical and other peculiarities of the target region, and is usually requested when translating software, marketing and advertising materials, news releases.

Localization differs from translation and the prices and deadlines for localization shall be agreed upon additionally.

  1. Word processing, desktop publishing, etc.:

All of these Services can be requested separately.

Their price is not included in the translation price and it shall be additionally agreed upon.


Request and confirmation

  1. The Assignor shall email a request to the Contractor, containing:some text
    1. Assignor data — names, telephone number, email (if the Assignor wants to receive the correspondence at another email)
    2. Type of the requested service(s);
    3. Language pair(s), if any ;
    4. Any required materials (for translation/interpretation, legalization, localization, etc.). The materials (all or part of them) can be additionally sent via email, mail or courier;
    5. The required (or approximate) deadline for the performance of the task;
    6. Format of the target file;
    7. Special instruction, if any. 
  2. The Contractor undertakes to respond in writing to the Employer within 1 (one) hour after receiving the request (on working hours, on weekdays) by sending the confirmation or refusal of the request to the Employer's email.
  3. The acceptance of the application by the Contractor shall be by means of a written confirmation containing all the parameters of the requested Service (order number, date of assignment, Contractor's contacts, type of Service, term of execution, output / supplied file format, etc.), unit price, total amount, way of delivery of the performed translation, special instructions, etc.), in short "Offer".
  4. The Contracting Authority may accept the Offer within one day (unless otherwise specified in the Tender) from the date of its submission by electronic mail, by sending an email to the e-mail specified in the tender. The letter must contain an unconditional and unambiguous acceptance of the offer and the name of the person who accepted the offer
  5. If the Offer is not explicitly accepted by the Contracting Authority within the specified time limit, it is not binding on the Contractor.
  6. Once the application has been accepted, the Contractor undertakes to perform the requested Service in accordance with the parameters and conditions specified in the Tender and in accordance with the provisions of the T & C. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of the GTC and the Tender, the provisions of the Tender shall apply.

Refusal to execute an order

  1. In the event that, after accepting the Offer, the Contracting Authority shall refuse in writing the Service, the execution of which has already begun, the Contracting Authority undertakes to pay the Contractor the work done until the time of the refusal, and the Contractor undertakes to provide the Contracting Authority with the work performed until the time of the refusal.

Quality of service 

  1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Service assigned to him, observing all the parameters specified in the Offer and following the established practices for the quality performance of the Service.
  2. Unless stated otherwise in the confirmation, the Contractor undertakes to observe and fully comply with the source text in the execution of the Service, to format the target text, in the form of the source, to describe in the target text all graphics, tables, stamps, signatures, etc. . attributes contained in the source text.

Term of execution and transmission

  1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Service within the time limit specified in the Tender.
  2. The time limit for execution starts running from the moment the Offer is accepted by the Contracting Authority.
  3. In the event that the Contracting Authority has sent the materials necessary for the execution of the Service after sending the Tender, the moment of receipt of the materials by the Contractor shall be the beginning of the term.
  4. In the event of delay by the Contractor and inability to submit in time, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of the necessary additional time for the execution of the Service before the deadline for submission.
  5. Transmission of the result of the performed Service to the Contracting Authority shall be effected in one of the following ways specified in the Tender or further agreed between the parties:
  • by handing in person to the Employer (or to a person specified by him / her) at the Contractor's office;
  • by posting by courier to the Employer (or a person designated by him / her) at an address specified by the Contracting Authority. The cost of courier services is at the expense of the Employer;
  • by emailing as far as possible in view of the specifics of the Service.
  1. Any additional certified copy of the translated document (s) shall be additionally paid.

  1. The price of the Service is determined in the Offer according to the price list of the Contractor.
  2. The Service Provided may be paid in the following ways:
  • via bank;
  • in cash, at the Contractor's office;
  • with credit or debit card PayPal, Moneybookers;
  • with cash on delivery of courier services.
  1. As long as the payment deadline is not expressly provided for in the Tender and the parties have not subsequently agreed in writing a specific term, the Contracting Authority shall pay the price of the Service specified in the Tender within 10 (ten) days after the date of transmission. When the transmission is made in accordance with the provisions of item 22, second indent of these GTC, the price for the Service shall be paid upon receipt of the shipment by the courier.

  1. The Contracting Authority has the right to make a claim on the Service within 7 (seven) days from the date of transmission under the provisions of item 22. If the Contracting Authority does not make a claim until the expiration of this period, the Service is deemed to have been accepted without objection.
  2. In a claim, the Contracting Authority undertakes to indicate the exact locations throughout the text with which it disagrees, and to state the reasons for this. In this case, the Contractor shall correct the texts for which the claim was made at his own expense.
  3. Failure to indicate the exact location of the claim relieves the Contractor of the obligation to correct the translated text.
  4. Removal of complaints takes place within a reasonable time agreed between the parties - between 1 (one) and 3 (three) business days, depending on the volume of the material and the translation. Removal of claims is entirely at the expense of the Contractor.

  1. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Contracting Authority accepts and agrees that access to the materials received for translation, or any personal data contained therein (as far as they exist), have employees of the Contractor as well as persons who will perform the Service (or part of it) on explicit assignment by the Contractor (commonly referred to as "linguists").
  2. The Contractor undertakes to require its linguists and employees to observe strict confidentiality with regard to the content of all data, documents and other information that has become known to them during and in connection with the performance of the Service.
  3. The Contractor undertakes not to use the confidential information provided to him by the Contracting Authority for personal benefits and not to provide it to third parties (outside the employees and linguists for the purpose of performing the Service) without the express written consent of the Contracting Authority.
  4. The Contractor undertakes to keep the trade secrets of the Contracting Authority and not to disclose data, facts, information and circumstances about the latter, which have become known to him in connection with and in connection with the performance of the Service.
  5. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, any information about the Contracting Authority relating to Contracts, Organizations, Suppliers, Customers, Activities, Procedures and Know-how of the Employer, as well as any documents to which the Contractor had access at and in connection with the execution of the Service.

  1. Any intellectual property rights in the provided translation materials remain property of the Assignor (or of third parties if they are not property of the Assignor). The Assignor provides the Contractor with the right to store, process and use the materials in order for the Contractor to be able to provide the Services.
  2. Any intellectual property rights on the translations occur for the Contractor unless the Parties agree upon otherwise in writing.

  1. The CONTRACTOR undertakes:some text
    1. at the written request of the Contracting Authority to provide the same information on the current performance of the Service.
    2. to keep all materials and translations provided by the Assignor for a period of 3 years. The Assignor shall have the right to request the subsequent delivery of these documents from the Contractor's archive within the term specified in the preceding sentence.
  2. The CONTRACTOR shall have the right:some text
    1. to receive all necessary materials in connection with the execution of the Service, as well as clarifications concerning specific and specific requirements by the Contracting Authority.
    2. refuse to execute a Service if the Assignor has not paid for the previous Service performed.
    3. unilaterally change the execution time of the Service if the materials required to perform the Service are not provided by the Contracting Authority.
    4. not to initiate or stop the execution of the Service if the Employer has provided inaccurate or insufficient information about the performance of the Service, which is why it has become impossible.
    5. to retain the translated translation, as well as the originals of the documents, until payment of the agreed price of the Service.
  3. The Contractor is not responsible for:some text
    1. the existence of lost, damaged, destroyed translations, texts and / or documents related to and / or resulting from the occurrence of force majeure such as earthquake, storm, war, catastrophe, embargo, acts of state and administrative bodies, strikes and other .
    2. damage caused by the occurrence of force majeure which it could not have foreseen or prevented.
    3. sending the materials for translation to a misplaced postal or electronic address specified by the Contracting Authority without the fault of the Contractor having led to this.
    4.  for delays or damages caused by problems in the work of telecom companies or Internet service providers.

  1. The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY has the right:some text
    1. to retrieve all materials and results of the Service provided to the Contractor in connection with the execution of the Service.
    2. to request information from the Contractor at any time during the performance of the Service.
    3. to withdraw from the Service by notifying the Contractor in writing. In this case, the Contracting Authority undertakes to pay to the Contractor the work performed at the time of the renunciation.
    4. within 7 (seven) days of transmission, in accordance with paragraph 22 above, make a written claim in the manner and manner described in Section VII of these General Terms and Conditions.
  2. The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY undertakes:some text
    1. to provide the Contractor with all necessary materials related to the performance of the Service.
    2. to provide the Contractor with the necessary consultations and clarifications regarding the implementation of the Service.
    3. to pay the Service on time. The Contracting Authority owes the Contractor payment of the agreed price for the performance of the Service and in case the Contracting Authority refuses to receive the result of the Service.
    4. to submit in writing all specific performance requirements for the Service, at the latest at the time of confirmation of the Offer.
  3. The Assignor is liable for damages incurred by the Contractor as a result of his incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect or fraudulent information as well as as a result of non-compliance with the provisions of the Agreement.

  1. In the event that the Contracting Authority fails to pay the price of the Service within the time limit specified in item 26 of these General Terms and Conditions, it owes the Contractor a penalty of 1 (one) per cent on the amount due for the execution of the Service for any delayed day but no more of 20 (twenty)% of the amount due.
  2. If there is a further discrepancy between the original text and the translation, translation errors, the presence of grammatical, stylistic, spelling or punctuation errors, incorrect formatting, etc., following a claim by the Contractor, which the Contractor has removed from the order provided in Section VII of the GC, ., The Contractor shall owe to the Contracting Authority a penalty of up to 20% of the amount due for the Service depending on the volume of discrepancies, omissions and / or errors made.

  1. The disputes between the parties shall be solved by mutual consent via negotiations. In the event the Parties fail to reach consent, the dispute shall be referred to the competent court in the Republic of Bulgaria.
  2. For unsettled matters in these General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the legislation in force of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be applied.
  3. If any provision in these Terms of Service is declared void or unenforceable in whole or in part, this provision will not apply and will not affect the validity, or the enforceability, of the other provisions in the Terms of Service.
  4. Upon the conclusion of an international agreement between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor, the applicable law shall be the Bulgarian law.